ICT VR CAVE Multiscreen configuration project on Unity Asset Store package

We are happy to announce that our VR Cave Multiscreen configuration project is now on Unity Asset Store.
Using this project you can use Unity on VR CAVE systems!
Few words about the project:
This work is part of the IPE/NEKYP/0311/02 “VR CAVE” project and is financially supported by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the European Structural Funds. (https://www.vrcave.com.cy) .
A multiscreen configuration project used with the VR CAVE (EON iCube4). It currently does not include the stereo support.
Note: the screen sizes are used to determine the fovy for each of the screens. The floor screen uses an offset-projection matrix to provide seamless integration between the screens.
If you use our software, and especially if you use it to accomplish real work, we would like very much to hear from you. A short email
(https://www.theICTlab.org) describing how you use our software will mean a lot to us. The more people we know are using our software, the more easily we can justify spending time on improvements that we hope will benefit you.
This software is developed by Charalambos Poullis, and Kyriakos Heracleous.
Version 2 is coming out shortly and will support stereo vision, VICON tracking head and controller tracking, and many more features.
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